Hi. My name is Mindy Tsai, and I write the I’m with Me newsletter, which comes out every Saturday (once a week give or take). I am passionate about being single in the most authentic and fabulous ways possible in good and bad times.
At age twenty-seven, I broke up with my long-term college boyfriend and started an odyssey that continues to this day. Now stepping into the fifties, I learned and am still learning how to navigate my place in life and this world. I believe that a woman can live joyfully and meaningfully alone. It may not always be easy, but it is possible.
I’m with Me is for both believers and skeptics. I hope to share my journey of single living in weekly bite-size to encourage singles like me and change the expectation that there is one path that fits all. It’s my challenges, observations, reflections, and learnings. Life is messy, and this will not read like a romantic comedy.
I’m keeping this newsletter free for anyone who wants to read it. Subscribe for free to get the newsletter in your inbox. Never miss an update.
If you are interested in reading more by me, check out my two memoirs at my website mindytsai.com.