I'm What I Do So What Do I do?
During the last two pandemic years, what I did on my own became very prominent when I had all this time with myself and no one else. To keep me entertained and alive, I wanted to introduce new things to my day-to-day and made a couple of large pandemic purchases even though my goal was to keep my life and home as minimal as possible. Pandemic broke that rule very quickly.
Since I was stuck at home for an unknown period of time, I purchased a treadmill after considering it for a long while. I was never sporty but at least I would walk indoors. I liked running on one at a gym when I was younger. With all that time at home, maybe I could work my way to a light jog, then to a legit run. My goal was to stay active without going outside.
My aunt was a piano teacher. As soon as I could sit, I was sitting in front of a piano and pounding away on the keys. I never did follow her instruction to practice for an hour each day but I learned how to reach notes. Forty years later, I thought I would reignite the musician in me and brought a keyboard. Besides, I would love to hear music created by me at home.
Life didn’t go as planned or hoped. Both the treadmill and the piano stood in my living room looking lonely. I did use them but not as often as I had idealized. I ended up spending my pandemic time elsewhere, on books and writing, surfing the web, and chatting with friends and family. I also found out that I enjoyed grocery shopping and cooking for one tremendously.
Single life requires a bit of experimentation and waste. I still hope to play the piano and jog on the treadmill regularly. I’m giving myself more time to get there and get started. There is only an internal timeline and I can be generous to myself. Good living habit takes time anyway.
Meanwhile, I have a new idea. I want to explore Boston more beyond just on foot. I might buy a bike. I remember riding a tricycle when I was a little kid and biking twice in my adult life. My butt really hurt after and I disliked being on the road with cars. I was scared and uncomfortable.
However, I want to see a new side of Boston, go further and more places while being green and not depend on a car or the T. It’s appealing to move from point A to point B using my legs and get my heart pumping. Even though there is a chance that the bike might end up sitting at home as the piano and treadmill, I think it’s worth finding out if I like biking. I must try in life.
What do you think? I keep reminding myself, that I’m not sporty but would be open to a new way of transportation. Boston also has more bike paths now. Regardless, I’m waiting for mandatory two weeks to make sure this is still a good idea before pulling the trigger.